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Benefits of Pet Therapy

I am a huge fan of what "PAWS for People" is doing with their pet therapy programs. I love their active role, using pets in the lives of people, as well as their education side. I often joke that my dogs ARE therapy dogs...they're MY therapy dogs. As a person that suffers from life-threatening illnesses, I benefit greatly from the love, devotion and companionship that my dogs proovide. It is very true that on my difficult days, they help motivate me and get me going. :)

Benefits of Pet Therapy

It’s well-known (and scientifically proven) that interaction with a gentle, friendly pet has significant benefits.

Physical Health:

  • lowers blood pressure

  • improves cardiovascular health

  • releases endorphins (oxytocin) that have a calming effect

  • diminishes overall physical pain

  • the act of petting produces an automatic relaxation response, reducing the amount of medication some folks need

Mental Health:

  • lifts spirits and lessens depression

  • decreases feelings of isolation and alienation

  • encourages communcation

  • provides comfort

  • increases socialization

  • reduces boredom

  • lowers anxiety

  • helps children overcome speech and emotional disorders

  • creates motivation for the client to recover faster

  • reduces loneliness

Reading: (PAWS for Reading)

  • helps children focus better

  • improves literacy skills

  • provides non-stressful, non-judgmental environment

  • increases self-confidence, reduces self-consciousness

In Physical Therapy

  • increases joint movement and improves recovery time

  • maintains or increases motor skills

  • provides motivation to move more, stretch farther, exercise longer

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